Topic: Gallen's 'two heads' barb to fire Maroons


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Gallen's 'two heads' barb to fire Maroons
« on: May 20, 2014, 07:58:08 PM »
You know it's State of Origin time when NSW captain Paul Gallen starts dubbing abusive Queensland fans "two heads".

It was a light-hearted jibe, made in front of NSW Premier Mike Baird among other luminaries after the Blues' team announcement in Sydney on Tuesday.

But the Maroons will no doubt seize on the throwaway line and use it as motivation in their bid for a ninth straight series win.

With NSW coach Laurie Daley picking debutant winger Daniel Tupou and rookie halves Josh Reynolds and Trent Hodkinson for the series opener in Brisbane on Wednesday week, Gallen was urging the debutants to embrace the challenge rather than fret about heading into enemy territory.

Gallen said walking through Brisbane's Queen Street Mall and encountering diehard Queensland fans or driving down Caxton Street to the ground can be even more intimidating than facing the Maroons at Suncorp Stadium.

"We're going into a very hostile environment and I suppose the most hostile part is during the week," Gallen said.

"We don't often go to the mall too much or, if we do, we go with four or five of us because they absolutely spray us and tell us what they think of us.

"So I think if you let that part of the week affect you, it can affect your game.

"But if you just take it as it comes and enjoy it, enjoy that part of it, and enjoy getting up there and listen to the two heads give it to you ... at the end of the day, we've got to get the job done on the field and that's where it counts."

Gallen said he spoke to the Blues' newcomers when they entered camp on Tuesday and told them as much.

Daley was hoping the rookies would handle the occasion, but conceded he could never be sure how they'd cope.

"Obviously we'll have a bit of a yarn throughout the week," he said.

"It's one of those things - you can't actually sit down - you can tell them about it but sometimes they don't believe you what the atmosphere is going to be like.

"But their demeanours suggest that they'll handle it.

"Toops (Tupou), I've only known him for probably a couple of hours and nothing much fazes him and Trent looks as though he's just a real calming influence around Josh and they've got a good combination."
