Topic: 98-year-old Myrtle meets Raider 98


  • Raidercast Commentary Team
  • Administrator
  • Jason Croker
  • Posts: 27872
98-year-old Myrtle meets Raider 98
« on: June 04, 2019, 12:25:21 PM »
Canberra Raiders Coach Ricky Stuart (Raider #98) made a special trip to the South of Canberra on Monday afternoon, to have a cup of tea with one of the clubs oldest and longest serving supporters Myrtle Kelly.

Myrtle recently celebrated her 98th birthday and still watches her beloved Raiders every week from her home in Kambah.

As a surprise for her birthday, her son Peter Kelly helped organise a special visit from the Raiders Coach, who in Myrtle’s eyes is her favourite Raider of all time. Among Myrtle’s fondest memories include attending Raiders matches in 1982 to watch David Grant and then supporting the team right through their glory years, with players like Mal Meninga, Gary Belcher, John ‘Chicka’ Ferguson and Bradley Clyde also among her favourite stars of years gone by.
