Topic: 'Ack' Weyman to be honoured with Moruya statue


  • Raidercast Commentary Team
  • Administrator
  • Jason Croker
  • Posts: 27872
'Ack' Weyman to be honoured with Moruya statue
« on: September 23, 2020, 06:13:33 PM »
The Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Moruya was never going to be big enough for Ack Weyman's funeral last year. As mourners spilled into the streets, and the local rugby league legend was farewelled in November, the start of a plan was implemented to immortalise Ack alongside his son Michael at the oval he built, and which bears his name. There's already a statue of Ack's eldest son in Moruya - the former Canberra Raiders prop and St George Illawarra premiership player. Money is being raised to move that statue down to Ack Weyman Oval, and to then sculpt a bronze version of his father to stand beside him. "Dad touched so many lives around this part of the world, he was everyone's father figure in Moruya and the amount of people that he touched over the years - everyone just jumped on and said yeah let's do it," Weyman said.
